Which almost didn't take place. . .
First thing I want to THANK my LITTLE SIS for everything and all the many hours and hard work her and I put into this Event! (It's been a YEAR in the making!!!)
And to Mom and Dad!
We hope you like'd it and enjoy'd your evening!
WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
(We know it's been a difficult week and are glad y'all made it back home as well Aunt Faye and Uncle Jimmy. We've pushed through this week... it has been a rough one!!! :( We're sorry other family members couldn't be there, but we had a death in the Family....Tammy you will "FOREVER" be LOVED AND MISSED!
We weren't sure that week if this was even going to take place... : /
My little sis doing 'too much' as usual, also surgery this same week...
you should have been the director, love you :)
I guess we did ok girl ....hee heeeee! :)
and oh my gosh, we had 5 minutes to get ready!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeek!
We DID NOT get to everything we wanted to do! Still had 2-3 boxes we didn't even open yet....lolololol.... but all in all it turned out BEAUTIFUL!
A HUGE THANK YOU to All of you that were able to showed up to Celebrate Mom & Dad's Special day. We hope it is a day they will never forget :) It was actually (July 2nd) their 50th Anniversary that evening :) which I think makes it that much more special that You could be there with them :)
"THANK YOU" to ALL that helped us Friday and Saturday and before!!!!!!!!!
We COULDN'T have done it without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
Jamie: (all your help!! both days! piping for drapes, Hams as well)
Mrs. Clara: (for the use of her home so we could store all materials there for the month :)
Bobbi/Rick: (helping throughout to let us in the Hall and helping with Video, etc).
Garvin/Jewel: (photos and use of items :)
Bell: (couldn't have done it without the help of our friends!)
Julie/David: (couldn't have done it without the help of our friends!)
Benita/Dennis: (couldn't have done it without the help of our friends, ps... heard you made a run to the store....lolol Thank you :)
Tina/Cheree/Jeff: Tooooo much to list :)
Wes: (lights, you made it POP!!!! with the BEAUUUUTIFUL PINK lighting!!!!)
Scott: (for the use of your GOBO AND LECO.... before this event, I had NO IDEA WHAT A GOBO OR LECO WAS....LOLOLOL :)
Publix: (Beautiful Cake)
and so many more... throughout the year! :)
50 years ago today (July 2nd)
The Beautiful Cake we had made at Publix
We gave them a photo of a cake and they made it!
Mom's original dress not preserved but still beautiful.
Last minute design! Turned out to be my fav :)
Photo spot for everyone that came in after they signed the "Signature Frame" then had their photo taken.
This was the "Travel Table" story is: Mom and Dad had to drive from Mississippi to Washington State after the reception!!! (Dad had 3 days to get back to Military).
We played a slide show with OLD PHOTOs to old music (Big Band, Jazz, 50's, etc.) then when that was finished we played a "Lawrence Welk" Video, "Happy Anniversary" Bogo, "Happy 50th Mom & Dad" Bogo, and BUBBLES!!! :)
It was a lovely evening! Turned out Beautiful! :)
2am........ we're pppooooppppeddd out Exhausted!!!
Doesn't even look like we were everrrrrrr there!
Well there are a few photos of what the evening was like......... hope you enjoyed!
Sweet dreams to all.........
Miss Tee :)
PS... some ideas if you're going to plan a 50th for your loved ones :)