Friday, October 22, 2010

watched a film that. . .

Made me think. . .   : /
(like that is my favorite thing to do...heeee heeeee)

Saw the movie "GREEN ZONE" this evening. 

Don't know if you've seen it, but I think everyone should see this one.  I know movies are exaggerated or fiction if not from a true story.  Well. . .  this one you'll have to see for yourself and make up your own mind, base on events that has happened- - true or not true?  

I wish we could all get along!  Life would be "happy" with butterfly's and puppy dog tails... 
ok ok, maybe not so much.... but, we've GOT TO TRY to get along and help each other out and work together... everyone, (if you breath air that would include you too) not one side or the other!!!  
OR we will destroy ourselves (ourselves = humans).

I started the day out by focusing on the "Bullying" problem here in America.  Sad, very sad.  I know there has to be different "types" of people for the human race (all of us) to co-exist or even move forward! 

However, bullying is cruel...! 
It doesn't matter who you are, there is no reason for this behavior!  None...!

For those who think there is no way out.... suicide is NOT thee answer!!!  Please seek help from a friend or professional!!!  Google where you can talk to some one for guidance if you don't know where to turn!

I almost get the feeling that this movie and the bullying kind of go hand in hand today???  : (
funny how things work that way...

The anti-bully signs were purple-candles/ribbons this week here in Central Florida.
Today seems prevalent for mine. . . 

Be Kinder Than Necessary, for Everyone You Meet is Fighting Some Kind of Battle!

Goodnight my friends,
Sleep well,
Miss Tee 


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